Attorney William A. Jordan III was proud to attend the American Association for Justice Education’s Trial Advocacy College: Depositions workshop and event, held on June 22-24, 2017. Sponsored by Lisa Blue and Williams Kherkher, he enjoyed his time networking, learning, and sharing his own knowledge with personal injury attorneys of the same mind.
They spent their time at the workshop learning about various legal skills and techniques, a notable few titled “Critical Thinking: Anticipating the Defenses and Developing a Discovery Plan,” “Structuring the Deposition of a Difficult Witness,” and “Dealing with the Difficult Attorney.” Held in the Crowne Plaza Minneapolis Downtown Northstar, AAJ’s purpose for creating this opportunity was to support the work of attorneys who advocate for those who have sustained injuries due to another’s negligence. This noble effort is recognized and respected by the AAJ, which is why many prominent personal injury lawyers continue to participate in these events and workshops.
Contact Our Personal Injury Lawyer Today
At Jordan Law Center, we are proud to continue a legacy of upholding the law and fighting for justice. Our esteemed personal injury attorney has made it their life purpose to defend those who don’t have the means to do so. We pour all of our time, energy, and resources into your case, because we never approach any situation halfheartedly. Our legal team is determined to help you attain peace of mind, and we will work tirelessly to obtain the compensation you deserve for medical bills, loss of work, and pain and suffering. If you sustained injuries at the hands of another’s negligence, you don’t have to face this difficult time on your own. Advocacy is our legacy.
To schedule an initial consultation and speak to a representative of our firm, please don’t hesitate to call us at (864) 642-0367.
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